Igniting Your Heart Chakra
The Bridge to Balance in Your Chakra System
Once you graduate from developing your individuality and power of the Solar Plexus chakra, you come to the heart of the chakra system. Your Heart chakra represents the formation of your social identity. With the healing and balancing of the lower three chakras, you’re now able to develop a meaningful relationship with yourself. Through love of self, you can develop your sense of caring, compassion, kindness, generosity, and respect for others. Love is the energy that heals, and this’s, in fact, the healing center of your energy body.
In the heart you discover those aspects of your being created to win love, gain social approval, and get along in the world. You’re now able to move beyond your conscious definition of Self, and into a relationship with yourself. In healing the heart, you attend to your most vulnerable and sacred aspects, bringing yourself to a place of acceptance and openness. By uniting your inner masculine with your inner feminine you solidify your capacity for self-love, which is absolutely vital before you can share this love in an external relationship.
On the foundation of love and balance you move beyond yourself as an individual and into a relationship with the world around you. As you establish a gateway to self-love you experience true self-acceptance, the primary focus of the heart chakra.
The Heart chakra aligns with the element of air and is your center of love. The color associated with this chakra is green, and it focuses on the social elements of your being. Through this chakra you develop your social identity and bring your love and compassion to the world. This level of your being focuses on self-acceptance.
The issues you encounter in the Heart chakra are balance, love, and relationships. Falling in love connects you to your body, and through desire you become present to your wants and needs. Love can break through your most rigid attitudes and shift your energy.
As you expand into the world of another person you also establish a deeper connection within yourself. By exploring the deepest part of your nature, you connect with your greatest gifts and bring these into the world. As you expose your delicate aspects you inevitably reveal those parts that’re hiding away in the shadow. True intimacy invites in all aspects of yourself thereby integrating the shadow.
In opening yourself to be loved by another person you’re invited to acknowledge those unique aspects of yourself. This empowers a deeper relationship within, establishing a new sense of pride and self-love. When you fall in love with yourself, your world expands, your spirit awakens, and a greater self emerges. Through the process of giving and receiving love you expose the most sensitive aspect of yourself.
When this chakra is damaged it has a profound effect on the body, mind, spirit, and soul. When love is lost it draws you into the deepest despair and again causes you to examine yourself in a new light. Love is the force that runs your life, so it comes as no surprise that to love and be loved is the main right of the Heart chakra.
The world is a dichotomy that damages the Heart chakra. Although we thrive on love, we exist in a fear-based society inundated by violence from TV, movies, video games and sporting events — just to name a few. People are seen as separate from nature, separate from each other, and separate from God. It becomes an “every man for himself” environment where people take actions to further their own agendas at the expense of others, the environment and even their own integrity. When the traumas surrounding you become too much to accept you shut down, create blocks in your Heart chakra and stifle the flow of emotions, impacting all your relationships.
“Love is what you are born with. Fear is what you learn.” — Zenned Out
Balance is all encompassing embracing the internal balance between various aspects of your being, such as mind and body, persona, and shadow, and masculine and feminine. It also addresses the balance between yourself and the world around you — work and play, giving and receiving, and socializing and solitude. Finding equilibrium supports the basic issue of love and relationships.
The Heart chakra creates balance between all aspects of you — between reaching out and taking in, between the lower chakras and the upper chakras and between your inner world and your outer world. This’s where the grounding energy of the earth meets the spiritual energy of the universe. The Heart chakra is the bridge between multiple aspects of your being and when it is damaged blocks are created that impact all connections. If the damage is severe, it may eventually block your Heart chakra.
The healing process repairs the bridge and reconnects body, mind, and spirit. It weaves together all aspects of the self and integrates this whole being with the outside world. This creates a foundation to restore balance to the entire system.
Your inner child resides in the Heart chakra and is the access point to self-love. This begins as the child within and grows to encompass all aspects of your being. It creates the foundation for giving and receiving love throughout life. To have intimacy with others you first need intimacy within yourself. This begins with the inner child as you learn to be intimate with your own inner being and come to know your needs, wishes, fears, boundaries, and hopes.
Self-love is the foundation for loving others. By loving yourself completely you freely open to the offer of love from another and expand your passion to include an understanding of someone else’s needs. The most common block in the Heart chakra is caused by the absence of self-love. Your relationship with others mirrors the relationship with yourself.
Relationships in your life continually begin and end and with the endings comes grief — the chief opponent of the Heart chakra. When you deny grief, you become numb to your feelings, and this impacts your aliveness.
When you fall in love you open your heart and let down all your defenses. Intimate connections expose the most vulnerable aspects of yourself, so when you are damaged within this arena it no longer feels safe to be authentic. You risk losing the loved one, however the greater risk is losing your connection to self.
It’s the abandonment of self that ultimately causes you the greatest damage. Healing the Heart chakra brings you to terms with your grief and restores compassion for self and others.
There are many strategies for clearing and balancing the Heart chakra including; yoga poses, foods, essential oils, musical notes and other techniques you’ll find in “Awakening Your Heart Chakra” Each of these elements are unique to the specific chakra and when used together provide a solid foundation of power for revitalizing your life.
Meditation is the most powerful awakening strategy for all the chakras. For the Heart chakra a meditation that heals the inner child and awakens self love will be extremely helpful in removing blocks and restoring health and balance to this gateway.
Embark on your own journey of embracing, healing and balancing your heart chakra and discover a new relationship with yourself. You’ll find all the information you need in “Awakening Your Heart Chakra” on Gumroad.
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